GeneReviews Track Settings
GeneReviews   (All Phenotype and Literature tracks)

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Data last updated: 2018-09-19


GeneReviews is an online collection of expert-authored, peer-reviewed articles that describe specific gene-related diseases. GeneReviews articles are searchable by disease name, gene symbol, protein name, author, or title. GeneReviews is supported by the National Institutes of Health, hosted at NCBI as part of the Genetic Testing Registry (GTR). The GeneReviews data underlying this track will be updated frequently.

The GeneReviews track allows the user to locate the NCBI GeneReviews resource quickly from the Genome Browser. A condensed version of the GeneReviews article name and its related diseases are displayed on the item details page as links. Similar information, when available, is provided in the details page of items from the UCSC Genes, RefSeq Genes, and OMIM Genes tracks.


Pagon RA, Adam MP, Bird TD, et al., editors. GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2014. Available from: