& 0@]#Pt66@6O\Otable barChartBed "BED6+5 with additional fields for category count and median values, and sample matrix fields" ( string chrom; "Reference sequence chromosome or scaffold" uint chromStart; "Start position in chromosome" uint chromEnd; "End position in chromosome" string name; "Transcript name from GENCODE" uint score; "Score from 0-1000, typically derived from total of median value from all categories" char[1] strand; "+ or - for strand. Use . if not applicable" string name2; "Gene name" uint expCount; "Number of categories" float[expCount] expScores; "Comma separated list of category values" bigint _dataOffset; "Offset of sample data in data matrix file, for boxplot on details page" int _dataLen; "Length of sample data row in data matrix file" ) =??\A\A@xchr14[axM̽mA@M.^pBHY"@4a#* r`y~)tw0n4DL0j>2T`(#QV= @摦K;|>ZÜ&*mgF6uPQ{Ww~L8ۼ>I&&uRU"94>h$|ذ|ذ.xc```lr5@^=70P8f kε"yu`  bYoe@߶uc e=#?Ova$h$QQ'[xc```lla@^=7\a/YWnd}.<[-h$Q6Q68xc```l,@^=/xf Qh$Q\OQ:O"